USA Cricketers

NYCR Election Of Officers Guidelines And Processes

New York Cricket Region
1.    Overview
Election of officers for New York Cricket Region (NYCR) is due in the electoral year of 2015 in accordance with the USACA constitution. The election process requires members of NYCR to elect persons to fill positions on the regional administration for a 3-year term commencing in FY2015.

The regional administration shall appoint the secretary or an appropriate person(s) to conduct the election on behalf of the region.

The following is the guidelines and processes for implementation during the election process.

2.    Election Meeting Notice
2.1.    The secretary, after consultation with the regional director/chairman, shall provide notice to members of the region – regional administration, members of leagues, clubs and stakeholders etc. – via electronic mail, USACA website and the media to advise that a special meeting of the region would be convened for the purpose of electing officers of the region.
2.2.    The secretary shall provide notice regarding the date, time and venue of a special meeting when a date for the meeting is approved by the regional administration.
2.3.    The secretary shall also provide written notice of the election to the executive secretary of USA Cricket Association (USACA) and request USACA provide an Independent Observer for the election.

3.    Regional Administration Positions
3.1.    The secretary shall publish a list of positions on the regional administration for which persons would be invited to submit an application for a specific position accompanied by a resume.
3.2.    List of Positions
i)    Regional Director/Chairman
ii)    Member-at-Large as a Youth Cricket Coordinator
iii)    Member-at-Large as a Women’s Cricket Coordinator
iv)    Member-at-Large as a Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator
v)    Member-at-Large as a Umpiring Program Coordinator
vi)    Secretary
vii)    Treasurer
viii)    Regional Representative to the USACA Board (ex-officio Member)

4.    Eligibility Requirements
4.1.    Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements established in the USACA constitution regarding age and residency etc.
4.2.    Each candidate nominated for a position on the regional administration shall be eighteen (18) years of age or older and a citizen or legal and permanent resident of USA.
4.3.    Candidates are required to be residents of NY State (NYCR) and shall continue to reside in the region during his/her term of office.
4.4.    Each application shall include the person’s legal name, contact information and each candidate at the discretion of the regional administration shall be required to provide relevant information to an entity selected by NYCR or USACA for the purpose of conducting a back ground check prior to, during or after the election. League Presidents by virtue of their respective office may not be subject to the background check process.
4.5.    Each candidate shall indicate in writing that he/she is computer literate and is capable of communicating via a computer and be fairly proficient with the use of MS Word, MS Excel and email.
4.6.    The application must be submitted within the date and time specified. Applications submitted beyond the timeline specified will not be considered.

5.    Application Process
5.1.    The Secretary shall provide notice to members of the regional administration, members of the region (leagues, clubs and persons) and via the media to advise that candidates should submit applications for positions on the regional administration via electronic mail.
5.2.    The secretary shall provide a name, mailing address, email address and telephone number clearly stating the address to which applications accompanied by a resume from each candidate should be submitted.
5.3.    Applications from candidates shall be submitted to the secretary of the region in writing clearly stating the position for which the application was intended.
5.4.    Applications must be received by the secretary within the time period stipulated in the notice for the election in order to be accepted.
5.5.    Applications must have the email address and telephone number of the applicant.
5.6.    The secretary after receiving the applications shall notify each candidate within five (5) business days after receipt and to confirm the candidate’s request
5.7.    The secretary shall compile and provide a list of all candidates under confidential cover to each league president of the region for evaluation at least ten (5) calendar days prior to the date scheduled for the election.
5.8.    League presidents should be advised the applications and relevant information pertaining to the election are confidential and shall not be distributed and/or shared with persons who are not involved in the process.

6.    Election Meeting
6.1.    The regional director/chairman at a special meeting of the region convened specifically for the purpose of electing officers of the region shall call the meeting to order and announce that the regional administration as currently comprised shall be dissolved for the purpose of the election.
6.2.    The regional director/chairman shall then reconvene a meeting of the regional administration comprised only League Presidents (or their designated representatives) with the regional director/chairman as chair of the meeting.
6.3.    The regional administration (League Presidents only) by majority vote shall appoint a returning officer, from among themselves, to conduct the election process.
6.4.    After the returning officer is seated, the regional director/chairman shall vacate his/her position as chairperson of the meeting.
6.5.    The returning officer at his/her discretion may request retention of the secretary to record notes of the election process or the returning officer may appoint an individual to take notes at the meeting.
6.6.    The returning officer shall validate the eligibility of members of the regional administration (League Presidents or their designated representatives only) and provide a list of candidates who were nominated for the respective positions.
6.7.    The returning officer shall adjudicate on the validity of delegates who may be eligible to vote, proxy votes (if any), manage distribution and tallying of ballots, rule on disputes and challenges and ensure the election process is conducted within these guidelines and in accordance with the USACA constitution when/where applicable.

7.    Proxy Voting – Proxy votes may be accepted provided the following guidelines are adhered:
7.1.    The proxy vote was received by mail or hand by the secretary in a sealed envelope clearly marked ‘Proxy Vote’
7.2.    The proxy vote was presented to the returning officer in the sealed envelope by the secretary as at 7.1
7.3.    The proxy vote was opened by the returning officer in the presence of persons attending the meeting after the meeting was called to order
7.4.    The proxy vote shall state the date of the special meeting and the name of the person to whom the proxy vote was awarded
7.5.    The returning officer shall verbally state and record the number of proxy votes awarded

8.    Election of Regional Administration
8.1.    By default, League Presidents are standing members of the Regional Administration
8.2.    The regional administration, comprising League Presidents,  by majority vote, shall elect candidates who applied for positions on the regional administration.
8.3.    Applicants/Candidates must be present at the election meeting.
8.4.    Candidates who did not apply may not be considered for election.
8.5.    The election shall be conducted for positions which shall be filled on the regional administration as follows:

A.    Regional Director/Chairman
B.    Members at Large (4)
i)    Member at Large as Youth Cricket Coordinator
ii)    Member at Large as Women’s Cricket Coordinator
iii)    Member at Large as Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator
iv)    Member at Large as Umpiring Program Coordinator
C.    Secretary (non-voting member)
D.    Treasurer (non-voting member)

9.    Election of a Regional Representative to the USACA Board
9.1.    At the first seating/meeting of members and officers of the Regional Administration, the Regional Administration shall select a Regional Representative to sit on the USACA Board.
9.2.    The meeting to select the Regional Representative is chaired by the incoming Regional Chairman, who has a casting vote.

The regional administration when seated after the election process is completed shall comprise the following officers:
•    Regional Director/Chairman
•    League Presidents of the region
•    Youth Cricket Coordinator
•    Women’s Cricket Coordinator
•    Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator
•    Umpiring Program Coordinator
•    Secretary
•    Treasurer
•    Regional Representative to the USACA Board (ex-officio Member)

The secretary of the region, at the conclusion of the election process shall provide notice to the executive secretary of USA Cricket Association (USACA) regarding composition of the regional administration.

Voting on the Regional Board
•    The regional director/chairman shall only have a casting vote at meetings of the regional administration.
•    League presidents (or their designated representatives) by virtue of their respective office are standing members of the regional administration and shall be eligible to vote at meetings of the regional administration.
•    Each league president shall be a delegate at special meetings of the region convened for the purpose of electing officers of the region
•    League Presidents shall be eligible for one vote at all meeting of the region
•    Each League President is a delegate at USACA meetings and is eligible to vote at USACA meetings
•    Members at Large are not eligible to vote to elect officers of the regional administration in the event of resignations, terminations or other reasons
•    The Secretary and Treasurer respectively are non-voting members and are not eligible to vote at meetings of the regional administration
•    The Regional Representative is an ex-officio member of the regional administration and is not eligible to vote at the meetings of the region
A League President shall not simultaneously serve as Regional Director/Chairman of the region. If/when a League President is elected to serve as a Regional Director/Chairman of the region, that League President will be required to vacate his/her position as League President prior to being seated as the Regional/Director/Chairman of the region.

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