Make Your Vote Count

New York November 23, 2010 admin 0

Many New York cricketers and others will continue to grumble about the dysfunctional governing body of USACA, but failed to realize that the representatives were elected by many of our league presidents, whom are elected by many cricket clubs.  You have witness the pros and cons of New York cricket over the past x amount of years, but chose to criticize or support the region.  Don’t you think it’s about time to become proactive and make a difference starting with the next upcoming league’s election.  Yes, we may have many whom intentions are good in promoting cricket, but on the other hand, many are out to profit from the recreation of cricket in the USA.

The pros of New York Cricket are due mainly to the New York City Public Schools, and the New York City Police Department.  Both organizations have made tremendous progress in developing youth cricket, but various New York cricket leagues are known to stifle the developmental progress of youth cricket due to the lack of planning, organisation skills, claiming ownership of grounds, personal gain, etc..  On the other hand, I must applaud the New York Cricket Region for their recent success in developing youth cricket in 2010 thus far.  Kudos to all the individuals whom have dedicated their time well spent in promoting youth cricket in New York.  How can we forget the various vendors, business people, and few cricketers who have contributed financial in assisting our youths of tomorrow.  As an executive if you can’t get the job done, please make room for the next young vibrant individual who may be able to make a positive contribution.  It’s about time we as cricketers, and fans stand up strong and question all “so called” cricket officials such as CEO, President, 1st. Vice President, league presidents, regional representatives etc.. about the finances spent in maintaining an organisation or a cricket league.

For example, why is your membership fee x amount of dollars, and why are you paying x amount of dollars for inexpensive and poor quality cricket balls?  Please be mindful that the New York City Parks are not own by anyone, or any stakeholders, but are permitted to a few whom may or may not abuse the privilege granted by the parks dept.  Yes, we all know that a league usually pays for permits to utilize the different cricket grounds, but is it “legal” for the league to profit from recreation cricket?

At the next league election, ask yourself a vital question.  What can my league president do to promote cricket in the US, instead of what can my league president do for himself, and his associates?

Maybe diversity in the USA has finally prevented us from working collectively as a unit in promoting cricket in the US.  Many talk about introducing cricket to the “mainstream” Americans, because they are supposed to be the stepping stone in securing sponsorship deals.  Let’s get real, mainstream Americans are going to support the many dysfunctional hiccups of US cricket?

Background Information:

“USA Cricket Association (USACA) is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, 1st. and 2nd. Vice Presidents, Executive Secretary and Treasurer, along with a Regional Representative from each of the eight regions who all sit on the Executive Board of USACA as directors. The Regional Representatives serve as liaisons between the regions and the national Board of Directors, helping to ensure policy execution and serving as a conduit for national development initiatives and tournaments.
Each USACA region is managed by a Regional Administration comprising that region’s League Presidents and four Members-at-Large. The administration, which is headed by an elected Regional Director, Secretary and Treasurer, also includes a Youth Cricket coordinator and a Women’s Cricket coordinator.”

Regional Administrations of USACA
Currently, USACA has divided the United States into seven cricketing regions. Each region has one Regional Representative on the USACA Board of Directors.
Each of the seven regions has a Regional Administrative body that’s in charge of all cricketing activities within that region. The Regional Representative of each region acts as a liaison between the region and the national organization (USACA).
For the purposes of a regional administration, each Full Member league of that region has one vote. The Regional Chairman has a casting vote, in case of a tie. The Regional Representatives are ex-officio non-voting members of their respective regional administrations.
With regard to national elections for the office of President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, Executive Secretary and Treasurer, each Full Member league has one vote.

Consider these questions before casting your vote for the next league president:
1. How well do we know the New York Regional officials?
2. What have they done to promote cricket in the region?
3. How honest are they in terms of finances?
4. What do they know about cricket in general?
5. Are they out to profit from running an organisation or a league?
6. What have they done to promote youth cricket?
7. Are they bias or show  favouritism?

You make the call and select the best candidate that can get the job done.  It’s your hard earn money that is needed to maintain the leagues, and everyone should be held accountable for every pennies spent.