USA Cricketers

A Call To Reinstate Secretary John Aaron

Dear President Dainty,
Let me first start out by stating that this letter is long overdue. Mr. President it gives me no pleasure in writing this letter in response to your email you sent out a few weeks ago, RE: SUSPENSION OF USACA SECRETARY MR. JOHN AARON. It is with this displeasure and disappointment that I strongly voice my objection to said suspension.

Director of New York Cricket Region, Lester Hooper.

You recently attended a meeting in New York where the objective was for you to shed some light on the current state of USACA.  Said meeting was attended by the NYCR league presidents and several stakeholders.  This meeting was by no means set up to attack you or insult you but to basically give you the opportunity to tell us the truth about that state of USACA. Unfortunately, after that meeting many of us came away with more questions than answers.  Based on information coming out of that meeting, Mr. John Aaron wrote an extremely accurate article which highlighted the high and low points of the meeting. Given the fact that two (2) of USACA board members were also in attendance in Mr. Krish Prasad (NYCR Representative to USACA) and Mr. John Aaron (Secretary of USACA), several valid questions were raised by same. At no time were those questions deemed damaging to USACA or any of its board members. The questions put forth were questions that everyone in that room and the entire country were searching to find an answer to. It is for those questions asked and Mr. Aaron’s article that you stated in your letter that Mr. Aaron made statements damaging to USACA. Mr. President, I hate to be the one to point out the obvious but USACA is currently damaged and has been for quite sometime.

Suspending Mr. Aaron at such a critical time instead of addressing the questions raised by him can only be seen as retaliation for raising those questions and shedding light on important issues in accordance with his duties as Secretary of USACA. Mr. Aaron answered all the questions put forth by those in attendance without addressing USACA‘s sensitive and top secret issues; something that was expected of you Mr. President.   Since his suspension, Mr. Aaron has remained optimistic that USACA will get back on track and has publicly stated that with the help of the board members, he intends to do whatever is needed to get USACA back on the right tract.

Mr. President I am not a politician. What I am is a cricket lover since the age of five. I am still naive to believe that cricket lovers like myself in the USA are able to set aside politics, favoritism, nepotism and all the other elements that have no place in cricket. In order for us to move forward, you as our current president need to acknowledge when his actions are incorrect, as in this case. It is my sincere hope that you would see fit to reverse your decision, which to the best of my knowledge was made without the input from the full USACA board, and immediately lift the suspension on Mr. John Aaron.

Best Regards,
Lester Hooper
Director NYCR

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