If you have not yet registered as an individual player, fan, club, or league member of USA Cricket, the ICC-supported NGB-in-waiting, we urge you to do so now! It’s simple and FREE, just visit https://www.usacricket.org/membership/
As part of its commitment to unify cricket in the USA and to move the sport forward, ACF is inviting all leagues, clubs and individual players, as well as fans, to register and be a part of USA Cricket, and to participate in the pivotal initial elections for a new NGB.
Remember for a league to be compliant it needs at least three compliant clubs that identify that league as their primary league. Each compliant club needs at least 12 registered players that deem the club to be their primary club.
One of the key benefits for currently FREE membership of USA Cricket is cricket liability insurance. Of course, the right to vote is an all-important benefit as well.
Thank you for being part of ACF and its renewed mission to help move American Cricket Forward.