USA Cricketers

ACF Redefines Its Mission And Is Set To Join USA Cricket

ACF Helping Move American Cricket Forward

January 18, 2018: The American Cricket Federation (ACF) today announced that it will throw its weight and that of its members, behind the soon to be established USA Cricket.
USA Cricket American Cricket Federation
With USA Cricket becoming the national governing body for cricket in the United States of America, ACF, formed in 2012 is committed to the same principles of democracy, inclusiveness, transparency, and good governance, and a vision of the growth of American cricket; all inherent in the new constitution of USA Cricket. ACF has amended its own constitution and will become a member of the new NGB, while encouraging all of its members – individuals, clubs, academies and leagues to join USA Cricket as soon as registration is open. ACF hopes that this effort will unify cricket in the USA.

During the past six years ACF has received the support of many like-minded leagues, clubs and individuals, and has been an integral part of ICC’s Project USA, created to unify US cricket under one umbrella organization. Now that USA Cricket is being entrusted with the national governance of cricket, ACF is redefining its mission to focus on traditionally under-served but important parts of cricket in the USA, namely corporate, club, and women’s cricket, through tournaments, programs and activities.

ACF’s Secretary John Aaron said, “This is a watershed moment for cricket in the USA and with ACF shifting to a national supporting role, there is a tremendous opportunity to help build a wider base of fans and supporters. ACF’s many accomplishments of organizing and conducting national tournaments will undoubtedly help in areas identified as under-served.”

From its inception ACF has been a catalyst for positive and constructive change and has done everything possible to help affect such change. Today, ACF stands proudly alongside the US cricket community in advancing such change. Chairman Jagan Jagannathan said, “ACF is encouraging all its members to also become members of USA Cricket, so that all parties may participate in the democratic process of good governance of the sport in the nation.”

The amendments to the ACF constitution will not affect its own membership, so current members can continue their membership and new members are welcome to join ACF at However, ACF members and others may register with USA Cricket at ACF believes that together, so much more can be accomplished.

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