USA Cricketers

American Cricket Federation announces support of USYCA

A key component of American Cricket Federation’s mission is to collaborate with existing programs and initiatives, especially with like-minded organizations that have synergistic goals and a solid track record of delivering on those goals.

Members of MSCL helped bring cricket to youth in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.

The United States Youth Cricket Association has made the adoption of cricket by young people its mission and has been very successful, significantly raising the profile of youth cricket across the USA. Since its formation in 2010, USYCA has donated over 800 cricket sets to schools across the United States, brought international coaches to camps, and has contributed to the development of infrastructure in far-flung corners of the USA. Thanks to its efforts, waves of young Americans are being introduced to the game every day.

ACF’s focus is to strengthen the efforts of organizations such as USYCA that are inclusive, instead of further fragmenting the cricket eco-system. In fact, many of ACF’s component leagues are already supporters of USYCA in their respective states and cities.  On the East Coast, WMCB, MSCL, SCTCA and CLNJ are just four of the leagues that are already working with USYCA to bring cricket to American children.

“USYCA is laying the foundation upon which the pillars of American cricket will rise,”  Prof. Gangaram Singh, an advisory board member of ACF said.

“We are going to work hard to ensure that those leagues and entire communities affiliated with ACF partner with USYCA. This will bolster the youth cricket initiatives of our supporters, while enhancing USYCA with knowledge sources as well as coordination and support systems everywhere that ACF is strong,”  Prof. Singh added.

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