American Cricket Federation (ACF) announced the launch of its website, Twitter and Facebook pages.

The organization’s website will be accessible through the and domains.  The American Cricket Federation will also establish a strong and professional presence on Twitter through @AmerCricketFed and on Facebook via the American Cricket Federation page.

Meanwhile, the steering committee approved and published a mission statement after several rounds of discussions.  The mission statement reflects the organization’s values and goals and will serve as a compass and inspiration as ACF commences its activities.

ACF’s Mission
ACF’s mission is to inspire Americans to play and to excel at cricket and to make cricket the preeminent bat-and-ball sport in the United States.

ACF will achieve this by:
• partnering with players, fans, clubs, leagues, corporations, state and local governments, schools and colleges across the nation;
• providing educational, technical, logistical and financial support to its members and  creating resources that will serve to enhance the quality of cricket, events and infrastructure.

ACF will uphold and promote cricket’s values of transparency, inclusiveness and fairness.