USA Cricketers

Nizam Hafiz Memorial Game

This September will mark the 10th anniversary of the horrific events at the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and in Philadelphia.

According to statistics, more than 2500 people perished in these attacks and many of us have lost family members and dear friends.

We have lost a dear friend and a gentleman with a great personality in Nizam Hafiz as you well know. In his honor a memorial cricket game is scheduled to be played to mark the 10th Anniversary.

This game will take place this Independence Day weekend, on Monday, July 4th, 12 noon at Baisely Park (The Cage), Foch Boulevard, Jamaica. N.Y.

Select groups of Nizam’s friends will compete against each other but more so, to share in his memory the good times they had with him.

Please come out and indulge with us in remembering Nizam.

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