USA Cricketers

Training Session For Umpires And Scorers To Be Held In Queens

To:  Umpires, All League Presidents, Team Captains, Club Executives, Regional Representatives and other Interested Individuals.

One of USA most prominent umpire Steve Kalloo will be on hand to assist. Photo by Shiek Mohamed

The USA Cricket Umpires Association would like to inform the public that training sessions for Umpires and Scorers has commenced on January 16th. The classes are held at 124-16 Liberty Avenue in Queens, from 1-4pm every Sunday.

The sessions will run for a period of fourteen (14) weeks, and will culminate with the administration of the USACUA Preliminary and Final Exams.

Prospective umpires are reminded that they will need to maintain an eighty (80) percent attendance rate in order to qualify to sit any examination administered by the Association.

Members who have sat and passed the USACUA or the WICUA qualifying examinations are also required to attend these seminars being offered by the Association,

Information about the training sessions have already being communicated to the Regional Directors, League presidents and other league executives. Coordinators and league representatives are asked to convey this information to prospective umpires or individuals within their league who aspire to be trained as umpires. They may submit names or the lists of club contacts to the secretariat in order that the information can be forwarded to the relevant clubs or individuals as quickly as possible.

Members who are required to complete the WICUA Final Written or Oral and Practical examinations are asked to communicate their intentions to the Chairman of the Training and Examination Committee.

If you need more information, please feel to contact us as soon as possible. Information can be obtained  by emailing Fitzroy  Hayles at, the Secretary at, S. Mulcare at,  Carl Patrick at,  Hammy Reid at, Steve Kalloo at, Mohammed N. Baksh at, or call Fitzroy Hayles at 347-494-9828.

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