CCUSA Aligns With Top Level Sports And Marketing Groups

Chairman of CCUSA, Mahammad Qureshi (left) and CCUSA marketing manager Ramina Ashfaq (right) together with Jimmy Lynn and students from American University at the conference.
By Vinode Mamchan
Cricket Council USA (CCUSA) has aligned itself with some of the top sporting organizations and officials in the field of sports administration and marketing.
Recently chairman of CCUSA Mahammad Qureshi and marketing manager Ramina Ashfaq made the trip to Washington DC to attend a two-day conference that included speakers who are experts in both fields.
It was a conference that included speakers who are experts in the sports career fields. It included top decision makers from the NFL, NBA, Nascar, NCAA, ESPN, and etc.
Qureshi spearheading the effort along with Ashfaq was able to connect with the vice president of the Washington Redskins just to name one official and he was ecstatic to hear about US Cricket teams being available to purchase. He is interested in purchasing and has NFL players interested in purchasing cricket teams. CCUSA has now offered the sale of teams for their upcoming US Open in November and the opportunities are now endless for businessmen to come on board.
The meeting provided the necessary fillip for CCUSA in its ambition of taking cricket forward in the United States. CCUSA officials were able to speak to everyone about CCUSA and its endless opportunities, and most individuals that they met were very interested in working with them to help develop cricket in the USA, as they are aware that it is the second largest sport in the world.
CCUSA was also able to connect with Jimmy Lynn, who was AOL sports strategic development vice president, is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University teaching Sports Marketing, and is also the Co-Founder of Kiswe Mobile. He was the one that introduced took the time and effort to make CCUSA visible at the event. Some of the important contacts he was made for the organization were Tobias Sherman, who is the Global head of esports at WME IMG, professionals who helped develop major league soccer, Keith Scully who was the Global Brand Developer for Nike, has consulting agencies, worked with many other sport governing bodies in the USA, and also teaches sports marketing.