Under-18 players from across the country at the USA Cricket Combine. Photo: ICC Americas
The selectors and coaches were very impressed by the abilities witnessed during the Combine and after much deliberation by the USA selectors on duty, Asif Mujtaba and Michael Voss, the following players have been added to the U18 trial:
Abhishek Kattuparambil
Aditya Harihara
Amol Lotia
Amrut Pore
Aswin Nair
Daoud Mohammad
Joshua Kind
Murad Ali Khan Niazi
Nimesh Christopher Silva
Ruthvik Chunduri
Sakthi Karimanal
Shashank Vittaladevaram
Smit Doshi
Sohan Bhat
These players will have the opportunity to join the existing squad of 30 in the final trial in Los Angeles from May 26-29, to select the Team USA squad for the ICC U18 World Cup Qualifier.
While the selectors set out to select just 14 players through the Combine, additional invitations to the Los Angeles trial have been extended to the following 4 players:
Mit Mehta
Pradeep Devaki Ravi
Raj Vyas
Sri S Pare
*Ali Sheikh was also selected to be part of the squad, but unfortunately does not meet the ICC eligibility requirements at this time.