John Wilson Re-elected For 5th Term as President of BCL

In a historic moment for the Brooklyn Cricket league, John Wilson was again unanimously elected President for a fifth consecutive two-year term at the recently held Biennial General Meeting. Mr. Hammad Syed of Spartans Cricket Club was elected unanimously as Vice President replacing Naveed Babar.
The following persons were re-elected unanimously: Loraine Gibson as Secretary, Joyce Trotman-Harmon as Treasurer, Sharayar Mian as Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Albert Punch as Public Relations Officer, and Raquib Chowdhury as Trustee. Antonio Williamson and Quasim Ghuman elected as Trustees replacing Tonique Bynoe and Jeremy Warrick, Waseem Akhter elected as Floor Representative, Naveed Babar elected Chaplin and Lancelot DeBarros replacing Lennox Johnston as Sargeant-at-Arms.
Twelve of the fourteen member clubs of the Brooklyn Cricket League participated in the electoral process.
Mr. Wilton Ricketts conducted the elections as returning officer.