Commonwealth Cricket League
GS43 verses Falcons at B58 9/22/13
Falcons batted first scoring 209 for 7
GS43 reply with 213 for 2
Rudy 105 not out, Satesh 75
GS43 won

Match played between BKRCC and Yakusari on 9/22/13
BKRCC batted first.
BKRCC: 157 in 20 overs.
Yakusari 159 in 18.3 overs.
Yakusari won the match.

Match played between Yakusari and National CC on 9/22/13
National CC batted first.
National CC:  98 runs in 20 overs.
Yakusari CC: 99 runs in 16.3 overs.
Yakusari CC won the match.

Match between Universal and Punjabi Warriors
Alley Pond on 09/22/2013 (20 overs each side).
Punjabi Warriors won the toss and decided to bat first. Punjabi Warriors scored 124 all out in 17 overs.
In reply Universal chased down the target in 18.1 overs for the loss of 6
Universal won the game.