USYCA has received the following from Associate Member Spokane Cricket Club:
September 17th 2013.
Dear Jamie, President, United States Youth Cricket Association.
Four members from Spokane Cricket Club (SPCC) conducted an in-formal Cricket workshop at the Pioneer Elementary School in Spokane Valley, WA on September 6th 2013. A fun session that lasted about 2 hours helped Pioneer schoolteachers along with about 50 elementary school kids learn the basics of Cricket.

Kids from Washington Elementary School had a go at cricket.

USYCA provided “American Cricket Champ” free cricket kit was very useful in explaining, demonstrating and for teaching basics to everyone that was new to Cricket. A kit was also left behind for continued use and learning during regular PE classes in future.

Student participation was amazing. Although it was a first time experience for many kids, they quickly got hang of the game, and were soon comfortable running between the wickets while carrying the bat along.

It was a very pleasant outing with a lot of enthusiasm and interest from students. For a first workshop of this kind conducted by SPCC everyone felt it was a very successful. As a result, SPCC is motivated to bring cricket to as many local schools as possible in coming years.

Rupali Joshi
Youth Cricket Program Facilitator, Spokane Cricket Club.

Great job, Spokane Cricket Club! Keep up the good work!